Problems and prospects of the organization of sports and recreation activities in university in the context of the overall innovative trends in education

The effective domestic experience in organizing sports and recreational activities in institutions of higher education. The main factors influencing the motivational aspects of sports and recreational activities. Concept of physical activity in students.

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problems and prospects of the organization of sports and recreation activities in university in the context of the overall innovative trends in education

Pupysheva Z.S.

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

Научный руководитель: ст. преподаватель Карвунис Ю.А.

Abstract. In this paper we attempt to analyze the most effective domestic and foreign experience in organizing sports and recreational activities in institutions of higher education in order to develop new approaches to the very concept of the activity in the university at the present stage of modernization of the educational system. The article highlights the main factors influencing the motivational aspects of sports and recreational activities, which will be considered in the design of an innovative concept implementation of physical activity in university students.

sport recreational activities student

The important question of the organization of physical culture and sports and recreational activities in the universities of our country takes a new dimension in terms of implementation, on the agenda, educational standards and requirements changes that show students as principal (user) educational services. As a social group, which gives the university the opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise, often acts as a competitive advantage when choosing the entrant of any educational institution.

In this paper we attempt to analyze the most effective domestic and foreign experience in organizing sports and recreational activities in higher education institutions in order to create new approaches to the idea of ??implementing this type of work in high school at a new stage of improvement of the educational system.

Sports and health work in higher educational institutions of Russia gained its rapid growth in the first decade of the twentieth century. The emergence of university sports is necessary to consider in 1911, when there is the first student clubs sporting character. By 1916 year, almost half of all higher education institutions of the Russian Empire in their organization had worked fruitfully sports clubs. In Soviet times, sports student associations found ubiquitous expansion, for example, in a sports society "Petrel" involving several hundreds of thousands of young people [1].

In today's Russia need to improve high school sports and the special importance of physical activity in the youth field many times stands at the highest governmental level. However, the level of involvement of young people in sport and physical education at the current stage can be described as a little important [2]. For understanding the issues and expectations of progress of sports and recreational activities in institutions of higher education in our country, we have considered examples of existing forms of formation of sports and recreational activities in foreign educational institutions, as well as to consider the opinion of the Russian high school students on the qualitative improvement of the delivered type of work.

Updating the rules on the formation of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on 1 September 2013, just emphasizes the role of governance institutions, including higher professional education to help increase the development of sport and physical education. At present, the improvement of the order of higher education in Russia professional sports training students is considered a component of physical development plan and are aimed at young trained specialist. Well qualified to train future professionals in different directions, calls, including important physical training that many times was justified by many scientific studies [3]. Physical education is an unavoidable element of the educational work. Creating orders decisive sports and recreational activities in higher education, should be directed to the pre-development and strengthening of health of the younger generation, and then only after all this should attend the conquest of sports results [4].

Direction of athletic training at a university gives a resolution of problems arising: first is the development of the "tomorrow" experts large character will, spiritual and physical qualities, which should help to increase efficiency. The same is important task of strengthening and maintaining the health of the young population, an increase in productivity during their studies. But it is also an important part of the professionally-applied physical form is a further area of particular accounting graduate classes [1].

In domestic universities physical education held for the duration of training for professionals and is a significant variety of related forms that complement each other, so formed, within a single physical education students. The main form of physical education in higher education institutions, remain to this day training sessions. Distribution takes place separately for each course, and the implementation of activities implemented at the Department of Physical Education [4]. With the introduction of educational standards GEF 3+ generation appears more being wanted in the implementation of the theoretical element of discipline "physical culture" for the non-core areas. Lectures and seminars provided by the standard as a basic element usually practice-oriented discipline, in our opinion should conclude the necessary foundation of knowledge in the theory of physical education. Supply of medical and biological stoon physical culture and sports, focused on developing and maintaining the health of students. Understanding the social importance of sports and physical culture is very important in the formation of a multi-faceted development of the individual [2]. Separately, we must highlight the independent physical training, which not only helps in the absorption of training generally increases the total time physical activity, but in general, accelerate the process of physical modernization of students. These classes can take place both in the sections and in the high school after basic training process in the sum of all these studies provide a useful continuous physical education students. In addition to those provided curriculum hours for physical training, a major role in physical education and health promotion students perform various processes of mass sports and recreation activities in high school. Among the basic directions of numerous sports and recreational Rabo isolated in high school: general preparatory recreational and recreational, sports, professionally-applied, hygienic and treatment [5].

In order to identify the positive experience of effective sport and recreation activities we reviewed the system of organization of physical education at foreign universities, for example, Germany.

The German system of higher education today consists of three types of universities:

1) Classical universities. The history of these universities has its roots deep into the Middle Ages. But despite this, they now represent a modern scientific and educational centers, with a wide range of training areas. - Their history goes back to the Middle Ages. These universities include the University of Heidelberg, University of Tьbingen, in Freiburg.

2) The second category is a university that received its status in the transformation sector universities, such as technical. This group also includes technical universities (Technische Universitaeten) and related to the status of higher technical schools (Technische Hochschulen) in Aachen and Darmstadt. As a rule, these universities, characterized by a narrow range of specialized departments, mainly technical and natural-mathematical orientation.

3) The third category consists of high schools that have arisen in recent times, as a consequence of the rapid development of the German higher education system. These include the Ruhr University in Bochum, University of Bielefeld, Konstanz, and other new schools and private universities. It is for this category of university orientation to new teaching methods, experiments affecting the organization of educational process, attaches great importance to the practical component of education.

Today in Germany there are about 400 institutions of higher education, more of which have the status of state universities. Educational issues are the responsibility of the federal states, which is reflected in a variety of educational programs in various parts of the country, but does not exclude the existence of common educational standards [6].

One of these rules - is a program of physical training, despite the fact that the German university students physical education is not a compulsory subject, the students willingly attend sports offered by their universities. All university offers classes are paid, but it's also very affordable prices for students (about 20 euros per semester). German university students have a choice of basic suggestions such as: basketball, beach volleyball, rugby, ice hockey, soccer, floorball, handball, badminton, tennis, frisbee. Students can learn a number of martial arts: Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Taekwondo, Kickboxing for women, kung fu and others. The most interesting to us to be special offers German universities: gymnastics for the spine, parkour, seminars Feldenkrais, reflexology massage feet, cycling, meditation, Pilates, Qi Gong, Shiatsu, yoga, theater movement, climbing, hiking.

In reviewing the types of sports and recreational activities at German universities, we came to the conclusion that the main part that makes this theory of action, acts manifold potentials necessary to compensate students in physical activity. Student unlimited boundaries in their choice of one or another direction in which he would like to see yourself, whether it's ball games, martial arts or gymnastics. Each period of training the student can choose a new occupation. In this group are generally divided into three categories - for beginners, and more in-depth study, which allows to feel comfortable at any level of their skills. Writing classes in any group usually takes place on a special portal University, where as you can choose a convenient time to attend classes, to see the most popular destinations. Rivalry among teachers also makes a favorable range for improving the quality of educational services. The price of a class is not significant and does not limit the students in the selection and volume of employment. We came to the conclusion that the German model of the organization of specializations, including technologically thoughtful approach to its implementation could be borrowed in part and in the sports and recreation activities of Russian universities.

In this paper we have also analyzed the organization of sports and recreation activities on the example of a Russian university Tomsk State University. The main form of physical perfection of students today is the process of physical education. The specified process solves the basic problem-oriented health promotion, development of motivation to constant physical activity. The educational process in physical education at TSU is carried out on 4 offices. Mass sports and health and fitness work carried out in the departments of the curators of physical education and sports councils in the faculties. To date, the University is actively working sections and clubs and 30 sports in which high-level sports are engaged in more than 1,000 students and staff of the TSU.

To assess the quality of sports and recreational activities in the university and its effectiveness were surveyed 120 students of Tomsk State University, representing 12 departments in different directions. Were obtained and analyzed the following results. All interviewed students on the issue of satisfaction classes responded positively.

Among the respondents, 64% of students attend classes in aerobics, 36% are engaged in Hot Iron, with 30% of all students surveyed combine chosen specialization with other activities offered by the University. On the free form of training in physical education has been 67% of the students surveyed, 33% of students at the same time enjoy the premium sports services at the university, 2% combined free and paid employment opportunities for physical education in high school.

The pleasure of training was the main motivating factor when choosing a specialization that has been noted in - 43% of the responses received, obtaining the required level of physical activity and the effectiveness of training in maintaining the shape of the projections factor in the choice of specialization respondents in 27% of the responses. The personality of the teacher has influenced the choice of a particular specialization in 20%, the rate of 10% was typical to select the direction in dependence on the convenience of the timetable. Most students prefer to engage in physical activity 2-3 times a week - 60%. 40% of respondents expressed a desire to engage in physical education from 4 to 5 times a week. All students (100%) who participated in the survey assessed the working methods of the teacher is above average. Among the most significant qualities of the teacher, the ability to motivate students to physical training students identified: understanding, goodwill, love for his work, as well as a sense of humor, responsibility and joy of life.

Respondents were also asked to identify those specializations that are not currently being implemented at the University, but could be implemented in the educational process. Sports dancing, were identified as the most popular destination of 40%, 33% yoga, sports and health tourism 20% of the responses. There was no increased interest students in choosing specialties such as parkour, badminton, billiard 7%. answers.

Thus, we concluded that an increase in the quality of the implementation of sports and recreational activities in the Russian high school, within the limits of the general thrust of improving learning processes, related, including teaching "physical culture "should be directed to the positive experience of foreign universities, but it should be understanding the local context. On and large, students are involved in sports and fitness activities of the University, provide a good estimate of how organi zational, and the educational process, but at the same time actively express their suggestions for improving the quality of implementation of physical activity university. We have identified the most important factors influencing the motivational side of sports and recreational activities that will be adopted in the future when implementing new ideas implementation physical activity in university students.


1. GLOBAL CLASS [electronic resource]: -URL: Http // countries / 4/1 / (Date of access: 01/20/15)

2. Ilyinich VI Physical Education student: Proc. for students. Universities / VI Ilyinich / - M .: Gardariki, 1999. - 349 c.

3. Kasatkin, AA Motives recreational activities of students in the learning process at the university / A.

4. Ragimova, OA and healthy life of students: a tutorial / OA Ragimova. Saratov Saratov State University Publishing House, 2008. 40 p

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