
Main features of BIM-technology. Getting of the digital copy of the building or a construction. Quick make changes to the project. Automation of issue of specifications and sheets of volumes. Main ways of achieving efficiency of the BIM-technology.

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Дата добавления 21.10.2016
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BIM technology

Shaganova Z.

1 undergraduate course of Local and State Management, KUTB

Резюме: BIM-технологии (Информационное моделирование сооружении). Инновационный метод в сфере архитектуры, проектирования и строительства.

It is widely known that technology has started to be developed in this century. Developed technology in last centuries quite slowly, and each innovation made a great impression. Now, new technologies don't create a big furor. From year to year new inventions are created and they undoubtedly, influence our life. In essence, the technology is an art of transformation of one thing in others, for example, transformation of oil to gasoline or transformation of construction materials to the house. It should be noted that along with technology products are also changed. If in the last centuries it was something generally material, then now it is more service trade and information.

I would like to tell in more detail about new technologies in design and construction. About new technologies I work with and which help to implement our Kazakh market, which is BIM technology. So, according to Wikipedia - Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that equips architecture, engineering, and construction professionals with the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. Building Information Modeling (BIM) eliminates errors in the construction, reduces risks, calculates the right amount of building materials for the construction of objects (up to how much cement is needed for the construction of one square meter of wall), to easily open any site or the most hard-to-point of the building, literally "stripped" in its 3D-model. [1]

To make it easier to understand, let me explain in simple words. In simple way, if your future home is completely built in virtual reality (in the program), in the BIM-model it covers all the architectural, design, engineering and all the technical information about the house. This detailed modeling of the future house in the program makes possible to avoid mistakes, flaws, inaccuracies in construction and gives a very meticulous understanding of the assemblies and parts of the house. Virtual building instead of a pencil and drawing paper.

The BIM technology allows:

1. To receive the digital copy of the building or a construction;

2. To quickly make changes to the project;

3. To automate issue of specifications and sheets of volumes. [2]

Designing with 3D-modeling technology has already become the ordinary in large foreign construction companies. The international community has actively started to design by using 3D-modeling of objects, the efficiency of the use of the latest developments in this field can significantly ease the work of designers and increase productivity. But in the CIS, this technology is still relatively basic. In Russia, the 3D-model for several years already has been used by large developers, but that's only the beginning in Kazakhstan.

In Kazakhstan public authorities are working on a smooth transition to the use of advanced technology in the design.

One of the first and essential steps is to make changes in the law on licensing requirements for the presence of the licensee for the software design in BIM-technology.

Currently, many design institutes are planning to transfer to BIM-technology, but often face a lack of qualified professionals who have skills and experience in 3D-modeling.

As practice shows, 3D-model allows a reduction in design terms to 20%, to reduce the cost of construction by 30%, and reduction in financial costs for the further operation of the facility by 5-10%. It would seem - quite impressive. However, this is not all the advantages that brings innovative technology. [3] Picture 1 shows very well that all persons have access to the same information through BIM - technology.

technology building project

Pic. 1

At the same time, for completeness of information as part of my story is to announce and highlight the problems faced by the implementation of BIM which:

the complexity of the development of technology. It is mainly the reluctance of individual designers to recognize the objective reality. They do not want to leave the comfort zone and believe that the new technology can reduce the time spent on the same job?

Significant costs of BIM are very expensive software, staff training, expert advice, as well as the decline in performance on the first phase of implementation (staff adaptation).

The main argument of the critics of this technology is imperfection of BIM software. It is not groundless. There are many problems that occur with the release of the design documentation, which would be consistent with existing standards.

BIM technology is definitely effective in certain conditions, but it has serious limitations on the use of third-party design tools and still stumbles on the need for manual work in areas not related to the visualization of the project and the organization of space and form.

The next disadvantage is an occurrence of deficiencies. But then the plane did not fly right. Skeptics at the birth of something new always enough. But everything changes. This stage of development and from no one to leave. In one article, on which I have come across, very well paraphrase a phrase of Bill Gates:

"In the future, there will be two types of project organizations - those that moved to BIM and those who have completed do business." [4]

In conclusion, I can say that some believe that BIM is a type of software. Other people believe that the virtual model of the building is BIM. Some people convinced that BIM is a process and a way to organize all the information on the building in the form of databases that allow "visual" and "digital" work with them. I can say that BIM is all of the above and more.


1. https: // en.

2. Autodesk (2002). Building Information Modeling.

3. "BIM Task Group - A UK Government Initiative". Retrieved 17 October 2014.


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