• The questions of synthesis and application of the mathematical model of a boost-type DC converter, which has found widespread application in modern electrical devices and complexes. Determining of the cause of the error in the intermittent mode.

    статья (419,2 K)
  • Возобновляемые источники энергии. Среднегодовое энергосодержание, приходящееся на кв. м. поверхности. Супераддитивные энергетические системы, их функции. Экономические преимущества локальных сетей. 20-футовый контейнер с солнечными, ветряными установками.

    презентация (8,8 M)
  • The history of the effects of the first induction motor. Record status induction improvements and the development of three-phase asynchronous motors. The use of electric motors in modern technology. Features of the nature of induction machines.

    реферат (19,1 K)
  • Strength margins of Turbogenerators of various power. Basic requirements to their reliability. Turbogenerator TA-6-2MU2 rated 6 MW with air cooling. Applied parameterization methods allows to develop one project instead of three separate ones.

    статья (2,2 M)
  • Characteristic the model of chaotic behavior of nucleons in nuclei, based on the model of nuclear interactions and the Fermi-Dirac statistics. The results of the study and a graphic representation of the chaotic behavior of nucleons in the coupled system.

    статья (256,2 K)
  • Cases of using aptamer sensors and a highly sensitive bioluminescent reporter regulated by obelin photoprotein to detect diagnostically important targets in the blood of patients are described. Prospects for the development of analytical systems.

    статья (419,6 K)
  • Description of the mathematical model of the distribution of the forces acting on a long balloon. An analytical scheme for solving the problem of changing the volume over time, constructed a function with the analysis of three aspects of transition.

    лекция (458,4 K)
  • Developing methods, based on Multiscale Correlation Analysis for bio-medical signals processing. Discusses the application of these methods to the problems of the blood pressure rhythm monitoring. Detecting typical MCA fragments by appropriate patterns.

    автореферат (622,7 K)
  • Connection graph theory and formulation of general class physical systems over force interactions. Force factors are effort and flow. Different interpretations in different physical fields. Using power to simulate connected systems in energy fields.

    статья (358,5 K)
  • Langevin, Fokker Planck equations are considered for stochastic spherical motion of the ferromagnetic fine particle with frozen magnetic moment in a viscous carrier. Special attention devotes to the correspondence between dissipative and diffusive terms.

    статья (586,4 K)
  • Використання методів математичного та молекулярного моделювання. Побудування математичних моделей Са2+ - регульованого впливу та дії оборотних ефекторів (інгібіторів, активаторів), включаючи іони водню, на ферментативну і транспортну активність білків ГМ.

    автореферат (50,7 K)
  • Replacement scheme for the calculation of short-circuit time search space for the simplest plot. Diagram of distribution line. Example of calculation for one moving line of AXO between section lines. Scheme of control process of finding places SC line.

    статья (1,1 M)
  • Mechanoactivation of plastic deformations and spatial accumulation of effects leads to nonequilibrium processes, changes in chemical bonds of carbon atoms. Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive tool for characterizing crystalline carbon structures.

    статья (356,2 K)
  • Perspectives of electrochemical sensors for exploration to presence of toxic compounds in environment determination. Advantages of paste electrodes of multi-walled carbon nanotubes to mercury and chromium content in aqueous medium determination.

    статья (202,5 K)
  • Структура разработанной модели и функции, описывающие стесненное осаждение и эффективное сжатие твердого вещества при помощи встроенных и добавленных пользователем моделей через UDF. Распределение частиц по размерам в питающей пульпе сгустителя.

    статья (1,6 M)
  • Voltage deviation in the distribution networks has been performed and expediency of the voltage deviation control for electrically closest and farthest consumers have been analyzed in terms of Levanevska substation, town of Zaporizhzhia.

    статья (2,4 M)
  • Optimal conditions for the synthesis of nanopowders based bi2te3. Preparation of homogeneous dense material from nanopowder by hot isostatic pressing. Especially the increase in electrical resistivity, decrease in the average grain size of the material.

    статья (457,1 K)
  • The study of the peripheral nuclear interactions in 14N dissociation at 2.1A GeV in nuclear emulsion. The leading role of the multiple fragmentations in the most peripheral nucleus interactions. The production of unusual states for this channel.

    статья (580,2 K)
  • Limited energy resources as a major problem in the energy sector. Increased use of oil and natural gas. Reaction of nuclear fission and fusion. The energy released in the fusion of two light nuclei. Isolation of radioactive hazardous substances.

    реферат (17,3 K)
  • Analysis experimental data for the excited states in the deformed nucleus 230Th studied in the reaction. Selected of sequences of the states which can be treated as rotational bands. Experimental data are compared with the interacting boson model.

    статья (397,6 K)
  • The excitation spectra in the deformed nucleus 230Th by means of the reaction, using the Q3D spectrograph facility at the Munich Tandem accelerator. The angular distributions of tritons for about 200 excitations seen in the triton spectra up to 3.3 MeV.

    статья (436,4 K)
  • The shear modulus of fluids and their dependence on the degree of purity of the piezoelectric surface. The essence acoustic resonance method using a piezoelectric quartz resonator. The main criteria for the status of the static coefficient of friction.

    статья (353,1 K)
  • The features of direct and dissipative processes in heavy ion collisions in the Fermi energy regime. Isotope and velocity distributions of projectile-like fragments in the reactions 18O(35MeV/A)+9Be(181Ta) at forward angles. The distribution components.

    статья (255,8 K)
  • Analysis of the hybrid power plant, which consists of renewable energy sources: solar, wind power. Features of installed equipment and factors affecting its productivity. Analysis of information obtained from the hybrid power plant under investigation.

    статья (358,9 K)
  • The descriptive structure and implementation of motor driver for solar power plant is proposed. Determination and characterization of the direct loss of power, depending on the angle of deviation. The development of solar power control algorithm.

    статья (379,8 K)
  • The development of a universal metric describing the properties of an inhomogeneous rotating Universe on the basis of solutions of the Einstein equations. The equation of state, describing the emergence of matter as the aggregate state of dark energy.

    статья (1,5 M)
  • Defining the parameters of the slip at a constant level kinetic friction. Provides an analytical scheme for solving the problem for a system with uncertain coordinates. The amplitude of oscillation of the changes and built a sine wave of the function.

    лекция (326,2 K)
  • Studying the phenomenon causing the creaking. Description of the physical mechanism of its manifestations on the basis of flexibility, coupled with the difference in the coefficients of static and kinetic friction, using as a basis opening the door.

    лекция (339,4 K)
  • Construction of a mathematical model based on a limited set of experimental data. The use of dimensionless complexes that characterize the operation of the reservoir. Numerical solution of the problem of optimizing the operation of the collector.

    статья (278,2 K)
  • Новые дополнительные правила отбора для мультипольных переходов в ядрах при использовании ядерной симметрии. Особенности упрощения вычисления матричных элементов переходов с их помощью, а также способы исследования некоторых тонкостей ядерной структуры.

    статья (172,6 K)