Legal framework environmental safety policies

The extension of constitutional regulation to economic, social and environmental relations. Definition of the constitutional and legal framework of policy in the field of environmental security. The phenomenon of environmental constitutionalism.

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Дата добавления 16.01.2024
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Research Institute of State Building and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine,


I.V. Yakoviyk, Doctor of Law, Professor,

Head of the Comparative Law Sector

O.Y. Tragnyuk, Candidate of Juridical

Science, Professor, Leading Researcher


Environmental security is a relatively new concept that lies at the intersection of environmental and national security considerations at the national policy level. Tendencies towards the recognition of environmental security as an autonomous component of national, regional and international security means that environmental security is an important element in the evolution of national states and international politics.

Crucial for the development of environmental security as an independent policy area is the recognition that environmental issues can no longer be viewed as ancillary, as they have become integral components of industrial, social and economic systems and have moved from the category of applied to the category of strategic issues for consumers, producers and society as a whole. In the medium and long term, environmental security will increasingly have a significant impact on foreign policy, security policy, economic, energy, science and technology, and environmental policy itself.

Key words: environmental constitutionalism, ecological state, ecological security, environmental interests, adaptation of legislation, Ukraine, EU


І.В. Яковюк, О. Я. Трагнюк Правові основи політики екологічної безпеки

Зростаюче протягом останніх десятиліть усвідомлення того, що придатне для життя, здорове довкілля дійсно лежить в основі прагнень людства до кращого, здоровішого, мирного майбутнього для всіх, є рушійною силою формування теорії і практики екологічного конституціоналізму. Jсобливістю конституційних положень про охорону довкілля є те, що державні зобов'язання переважно закріплені з використанням положень, які суперечать юрисдикції: положень, таких як директивні принципи, що призначені для приведення в дію політичними гілками влади, а не прямим судовим виконанням. Проте, оскільки укладачі конституції в усіх правових традиціях беруть на себе зобов'язання з охорони довкілля, його захисту та сталості, суди дедалі частіше закликають захищати охоронювані екологічні права як у їхніх матеріально-правових, так і в процесуальних аспектах.

Екосистеми та послуги, які вони надають, є фундаментом для повної реалізації таких прав людини як право на життя, здоров'я, їжу та безпечну питну воду та інші. Водночас, права людини відіграють важливу роль у сприянні сталому розвитку та досягненню екологічних цілей.

Екологічна безпека, порівняно нове поняття, яке знаходиться на перетині міркувань навколишнього середовища та національної безпеки на рівні національної політики. Тенденції до визнання екологічної безпеки як автономної складової національної, регіональної та міжнародної безпеки означає, що екологічна безпека є важливим елементом в еволюції національних держави та міжнародної політики.

Вирішальне значення для розвитку екологічної безпеки як самостійного напряму політики набуває визнання того, що екологічні проблеми не можна більше розглядати як допоміжні, оскільки вони стали невід'ємними компонентами промислових, соціальних та економічних систем і перейшли з категорії прикладних до категорії стратегічних проблем для споживачів, виробників і суспільства в цілому. Екологічна безпека у середньостроковій і довгостроковій перспективі дедалі більше здійснюватиме помітний вплив на зовнішню політику, політику безпеки, економічну, енергетичну, науково-технічну і власне екологічну політику.

На соціальному рівні перехід екологічних проблем із категорії прикладних у стратегічні неминуче призводить до певного конфлікту з наявними правовими та політичними структурами, виходом із якого стала концепція екологічної держави, вмонтована в теорію демократичної, соціальної, правової держави, а також формування політики екологічної безпеки як невід'ємної складової політики національної безпеки.

Ключові слова: екологічний конституціоналізм, екологічна держава, екологічна безпека, екологічні інтереси, адаптація законодавства, Україна, ЄС.

Formulation of the problem

Social and economic progress in the modern world is linked to environmental protection, as its quality is perceived as one of the most important social goods. As economic development and social well-being grow, civil society institutions are increasingly calling for awareness of environmental issues, which results in an intensification of the struggle at various levels for environmental protection as an active policy of sustainable development, which is opposed to the understanding of environmental movements as a consequence of economic development [1].

It should be noted that the idea of environmental protection was quite easily accepted by the public consciousness of primarily Western countries, unlike the constitutional recognition of the right to a healthy environment. For several decades, the initiators of the idea of environmental constitutionalism have made significant progress in initiating an exchange of views in journals, as well as in public discussions of a political and scientific nature, which eventually led to the formation of a certain vision of the need to include the environmental component in the agenda of all socially significant processes. In particular, those related to the modern understanding of constitutionalism, which is now viewed not only through the prism of human rights, the rule of law, and democracy, but also covers the issues of legal regulation of environmental protection and preservation. The consequence of this is that the catalog of human rights includes such rights which are commonly referred to as environmental rights. Therefore, according to the authors of the article, constitutionalism, environmental law, human rights, democracy and the rule of law should be considered today as historically interrelated phenomena which should be studied contextually, taking into account the evolution of state-building processes and different points of view formed under the influence of objective factors.

Environmental constitutionalism is formed at different levels (global, regional and national) of formal (normative) and informal regulation and governance. Its elements are rules of conduct (norms) and subjects endowed with certain rights and obligations, as well as mechanisms and institutions that have «constitutional» qualities (separation of powers, existence of jurisdictional bodies, management systems; binding nature; existence of degrees and types of institutionalization; succession; publicity, and limited purpose and contestability; widely accepted norms of legitimation, etc. European national legal systems demonstrate different subsets of these constitutional properties, but within the framework of the integration process, which is the core of the formation of regional constitutionalism. An integral part of the latter is environmental constitutionalism.

Analysis of recent research

The last two decades have seen an increase in the number of studies on sustainable development. The extension of constitutional regulation to economic, social and environmental relations has contributed to the emergence of such a phenomenon as sectoral constitutions or sectoral constitutional and legal regulation in the theory and practice of constitutional law. A special place among them is occupied by the «environmental constitution» [3; 4], since political stability in the State, its security and socio-economic development largely depend on the success of solving environmental problems and the effectiveness of the fight against climate change.

Environmental constitutionalism seeks to internalize the ecological foundations of the functioning of human society in the highest form of domestic law: constitutions. Environmental constitutionalism, which has been discussed in the legal literature until recently, has not been actively discussed (P. Bacic, M. Basic, V. Zlatic, J. Bary, K. S. Ekeli, J. R. May, E. Daly, V. Potapchuk, I. V. Yakoviuk), is largely related to the development of an even less studied problem of the environmental constitution (global (Y. Y. Tunitsa, Y. S. Shemshuchenko, M. Basic, L. J. Kotze, J. R. May) and national (L. Collins, B. Maite, P. Diaz-Siefer, etc.) levels), as well as the concept of an ecological state, which is the subject of development by both foreign (R. Eckersley, K. Backstrand, A. Kronsell, J. S. Dryzek, Ch. Hunold) and domestic (N. Krestovska, O. Prots, O. Pavlova, M. Khylko) scholars. The issues of ensuring national environmental interests (G. Anisimova, O. Karpova, G. Moroz) and environmental security (A. Bacic, R. Floyd, A. Geslin, M. Havryltsiv) are equally closely related to the issues of environmental constitutionalism. These areas remain insufficiently developed in both domestic and foreign legal science, and therefore their research is becoming a priority. Despite the significant volume of publications on environmental issues, there is a lack of comprehensive, interdisciplinary research on this topic in the national science, and this makes it relevant, especially given the requirement to adapt national legislation to EU legislation.

The purpose of the article is to define the constitutional and legal framework of policy in the field of environmental security.

Summary of the main material

environmental constitutionalism legal framework

Environmental constitutionalism is a relatively new political and legal phenomenon which is located at the intersection of constitutional law, international law, international human rights law and environmental law. According to F. Venter and L. J. Kotze, environmental constitutionalism emerged as a term that explains legally enhanced environmental protection in the form of constitutions. In modern conditions, environmental constitutionalism is an important paradigm: both as a concept and structure in the analytical sense and as a normative program [5]. Modern constitutions should be based on a fundamental environmental obligation to current and future generations of people and thus protect the basic values of society from political fluctuations of governments that tend to prioritize short-term economic or political gains over long-term environmental and economic sustainability. Constitutions are designed to formalize the creation of a stable political entity that should be able to withstand various kinds of threats and challenges over time. This reflects the recognition that a safe environment for life and health is a proper subject of protection at the constitutional and legal level, as well as in the courts. However, this constitutional imperative is reflected in few existing constitutions.

An environmental constitution, according to L. Collins, is a constitution that codifies at least the following key principles: sustainability/sustainability; intergenerational justice and the public trust doctrine; environmental rights; rights of nature; rights and obligations related to a healthy environment [4]. This is certainly an idealistic vision of an environmental constitution. Actual constitutions of an ecological («green») state embody only some of these principles. For example, more than 150 countries have enshrined legal obligations to protect and fulfill the right to a healthy environment at the constitutional and legislative level. Among them, there are at least 20 countries whose courts have ruled that the right to a healthy environment is an essential element of the constitutional right to life. Considerable attention is paid to the constitutional imperative of environmental sustainability. Approximately half of the world's states impose a corresponding obligation on citizens to protect the environment.

In the current discussions on the environmental constitution and environmental constitutionalism, not only at the theoretical level [7; 8], but also at the level of international documents, the concept of «environmental rule of law» is increasingly being used. According to G. Garver, the principle of the rule of environmental law stipulates that environmental protection regulations should be based not only on legal principles -- for example, justice -- but also on the existing environmental capabilities of the planet Earth [11]. It is emphasized that ensuring the «environmental rule of law» is of key importance for sustainable development and the success of environmental constitutionalism. Although the link between the quality of implementation of the rule of law and effective environmental policy may seem surprising, some empirical studies show that the rule of law has a positive impact on environmental quality [14; 15].

The effectiveness of the «environmental rule of law», according to A. Kreilhuber, is conditioned by [16, p. 26--27]:

— fair, understandable and implemented environmental laws;

— public participation in the decision-making process, as well as access to justice and information on environmental issues in accordance with Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration;

— accountability and integrity of institutions and decisionmakers, including through active participation in environmental auditing and enforcement;

-- Accessibility, fairness, impartiality, timeliness and efficiency of dispute resolution mechanisms, including the development of specialized expertise in environmental litigation and innovative environmental procedures and remedies;

— recognition of the complementary relationship between human rights and the environment;

— specific criteria for interpreting environmental law.

Ecological constitutionalism is driven by the idea of building an ecological («green») state. A modern state is increasingly seen as legitimate if it protects environmental values along with security and economic development, i.e., is environmentally friendly, and vice versa, illegitimate if it does not do so [17]. Recognizing the right to the environment as a value to be protected means recognizing its place in a complex hierarchy of fundamental rights and legal principles, ranging from the recognition of this right at the constitutional level to regional and international acts. The perception of the concept of an ecological state shows the evolution of views on the optimal model of modern statehood, reflecting the cross-cutting consensus in society on prioritizing the solution of environmental problems.

The constitutionalization of the idea of the ecological state forms the fundamental basis for the further development of a set of concepts, strategies, programs, tools and measures that are necessary for the more active inclusion of environmental justice aspects in the social and political agenda of a democratic, legal, social state. An ecological state should ensure synergies between economic, social and environmental policies without neglecting any of the three dimensions ofjustice.

The environmental provisions enshrined in constitutions are not the same and may include [18, p. 10--11]:

1) the government's responsibility for environmental protection (to protect and defend the environment) ;

2) material rights to a healthy environment. More than 100 national constitutions, including Ukraine's (Article 50 of the Constitution), recognize that citizens have a universal material right to live in a healthy environment It should be noted that the terminology in the current constitutions is not unified, and therefore different terms are used. The most commonly used terms are «healthy environment» and «environment that does not harm health» [18, p. 14].. The right to a healthy environment is not absolute. It can be restricted in the constitution on the following grounds: general restrictions; restrictions in times of emergency (war or natural disasters) or to meet public interests in the area of security, order, health and/or the exercise of other rights; recognition that rights will be realized on a gradual basis (in accordance with the concept of progressive realization); restrictions on who is entitled to enjoy constitutional rights. It is worth noting that the right to a healthy environment is not always placed together with other rights. Sometimes they are placed in the preamble or in a section that sets out general provisions or guiding goals and principles of state policy. Obviously, in this case, the legal force of these rights may be reduced and this may affect their interpretation;

3) procedural environmental rights. This is a fairly common category of rights directly related to environmental protection (e.g., the right to information (e.g., part 2 of Article 50 of the Constitution of Ukraine), the right to decision-making, the right to access the judicial system to challenge government decisions, unconstitutional laws or possible violations of individual rights), which are usually supplemented in the constitution by substantive rights;

4) individual environmental duties (to preserve, protect the environment), responsibility for environmental protection (provided for in almost 90 constitutions and almost always supplementing the right to a healthy environment), as well as value statements on the importance of environmental protection and references to the rights, health or well-being of future generations. This group of norms also includes various provisions authorizing, for example, restrictions on the exercise of private property rights on the grounds of public interest, preliminary environmental impact studies, a ban on nuclear testing or the deployment of nuclear weapons, the importation of toxic or hazardous waste, or a ban on genetically modified organisms, etc. The introduction of environmental restrictions on the use of private property at the constitutional level will obviously give rise to conflicts, which requires balancing between competing constitutional provisions by the legislature and the judiciary.

The emergence of environmental constitutionalism is due to the formation of environmental interest at the level of an individual, their communities, economic entities and society as a whole. Despite the fact that the category of «environmental interest» is not properly enshrined in the current legislation of Ukraine and its content is not disclosed, we should agree with G. Anisimova, according to whom environmental interest, like natural environmental rights, and we add -- an ecological state, can exist outside the law as an extra-legal phenomenon, although it must comply with natural law as a value guide, its content and essence [20]. In general, we should agree with the approach of O. Harun, according to whom the national interests of Ukraine are those realized by society and expressed in the Constitution of Ukraine and other legal acts of the constitutional level Among the acts of constitutional law, environmental interests were reflected for the first time in the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine (Section VII) [21]. in the form of programmatic targets, the vital needs for the existence and development of nature, man, social group, society, and the state [22, p. 136]. They are directly related to the fundamental values of society and they combine the interests of each person, the interests of national, social, political groups with the interests of the state and society as a whole and, at the global level, with the interests of humanity as a whole. As a result, they are the object of protection of national security, in particular, its direction of environmental security. The Constitution of Ukraine (Article 16) states in this regard: «Ensuring environmental safety and maintaining ecological balance on the territory of Ukraine, overcoming the consequences of the Chornobyl disaster -- a catastrophe of a global scale, preserving the gene pool of the Ukrainian people is the duty of the state».

Other provisions of the Basic Law are also aimed at protecting environmental interests (part 7 of Article 41).

In accordance with the constitutional provisions, as well as the norms of international treaties ratified by the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine's security legislation, including such a component as legislation in the field of environmental security, is being formed. The fundamental document is the Law of Ukraine «On National Security of Ukraine» (2018) [23], Article 3 of which defines the values to be protected, in particular: constitutional rights and freedoms (including environmental ones); sustainable development of society; and the environment. Part 3 of Article 4 of the Law does not mention environmental safety among the national interests (while Part 4 of Article 4 indicates that the state policy in the areas of national security and defense is aimed at ensuring environmental safety). At the same time, in our opinion, an expanded interpretation of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part 2 of Article 4 of the Law, which refers to the fundamental national interests as «sustainable development of the national economy, civil society and the state to ensure the growth of the standard of living and quality of life of the population»1 and «Ukraine's integration into the European political, economic, security, and legal space, and membership in the European Union» Over the past decade, «sustainable development» has become a key concept in discussions about the environment. Environmental protection is assessed as the most significant component of security in the context of sustainable development [24]. The Association Agreement provides that: «The Parties recognize the importance of taking full account of the economic, social and environmental interests not only of their respective populations but also of future generations and ensure that economic development, environmental and social policies are supported jointly» (Article 289); «The Parties reaffirm their commitment to the effective implementation in their laws and practices of multilateral environmental agreements to which they are parties» (Article 292); «The Parties shall jointly develop trade-related aspects of labor and environmental policies with a view to achieving the objectives of this Agreement. 292); «The Parties shall work together to develop trade-related aspects of labor and environmental policies with a view to achieving the objectives of this Agreement» (Article 302); «The Parties shall develop and strengthen cooperation on environmental issues and thereby contribute to the realization of long-term goals of sustainable development and a green economy. « (Article 360) and Chapter VI «Environment» [25]., suggests that the legislator's intention was still to indirectly recognize environmental security as a fundamental national value. The National Security Strategy of Ukraine «Human Security -- Security of Ukraine» (2020) [26] is based on an anthropocentric approach that puts people at the center of the environment. The long-term goal of state-building is to create “...Ukraine... a safe state where... people breathe clean air, drink clean water and with which our children and grandchildren will connect their fate» (clause 2, part I). Similarly to the Law «On National Security of Ukraine,» the Strategy does not explicitly list safe and healthy environment among the priorities of Ukraine's national interests, but refers to the following priorities: social development, primarily human capital development; protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of Ukrainian citizens; European integration, which are broadly interpreted, as well as subpara. 11 of clause 6 of part I; clause 28 of part II and clauses 54, 54, 56 of part III give grounds to assert that a safe and healthy environment still belongs to the circle of national interests of Ukraine.

The development of the provisions of the Law and the Strategy became the basis for the development of the Strategy for Environmental Security and Climate Change Adaptation for the period up to 2030 (2021) [27]. The Strategy is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the following laws of Ukraine, international agreements and bylaws in the field of environmental safety. It is expected that the implementation of the Strategy's provisions will increase the level of environmental safety and adaptation to the effects of climate change in Ukraine (according to the Environmental Performance Index, Ukraine ranked 60th at the time of the Strategy's adoption). The aggression unleashed by Russia against Ukraine has caused devastating damage to the environment (reduction and deterioration of natural ecosystems, chemical and industrial pollution, mining of territories, devastating damage to biodiversity, etc. Ukraine's post-war recovery, which should be implemented in three main areas: environmental restoration, implementation of European integration reforms, and implementation of climate change policy, should be based on the European Green Deal and use advanced environmental instruments. Domestic legislation in the field of environmental safety is likely to undergo a significant update.


The article attempts to give greater rigor to the efforts of researchers seeking to integrate environmental issues into the national security structure of modern states. In addition, the author argues for the proposal to define the structure of national security, the components of which are economic, energy, environmental and other subtypes (areas) of security. The article assumes that an ecological («green») state is the optimal model for implementing the policy in the field of environmental security. This is due to the fact that the concept of an ecological state is embedded in the theory of a democratic, social state governed by the rule of law, which is transnational, post-capitalist and post-liberal, and which is characterized by moral concern for future generations of people. Contemporary environmental constitutionalism ultimately comes down to a reassessment of the goals of the state.

Crucial for the development of environmental security is the recognition that environmental issues can no longer be viewed as auxiliary, as they have become integral components of industrial, social and economic systems and have moved from the category of applied to the category of strategic problems for consumers, producers and society as a whole. In the medium and long term, environmental security will have a significant impact on foreign policy, security policy, economic, energy, science and technology, and environmental policy itself.


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22. Kharun O. A., Rozhok T V. (2017). Natsionalni interesy v zabezpechenni natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy. Ekonomika i suspilstvo. Issuer13. pp.135-- 138.

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24. Taradi, J., Nikoli V., Gro ani N. (2016). Safety in terms of sustainable development. Safety engineering. Vol. 6, issue 2. P. 107--115.

25. Uhoda pro asotsiatsiiu mizh Ukrainoiu, z odniiei storony, ta Yevropeiskym Soiuzom, Yevropeiskym spivtovarystvom z atomnoi enerhii i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoi storony. URL: laws/show/ 984_011#Text.

26. Pro Stratehiiu natsionalnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: Rishennia RNBO Ukrainy, zatverdzhene Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 14 veresnia 2020 roku # 392/2020 r. URL:

27. Stratehiia ekolohichnoi bezpeky ta adaptatsii do zminy klimatu na period do 2030 r. URL:

Список використаних джерел

1. Concetta C., Infante D., Smirnova J. (2014). Is There Any Evidence on the Existence of an Environmental Taxation Kuznets Curve? The Case of European Countries under Their Rule of Law Enforcement. Sustainability. 6(10): 7242-7262.

2. Tully J., DunoffJ., Lang A., Kumm M., & Wiener A. (2016). Introducing global integral constitutionalism. Global Constitutionalism, 5(1), 1-15.

3. Maite B., D az-Siefer P., Rodrguez-D az P.,.Mena-Carrasco M., Ibarra J. T, Celis-Diez J. L., Mondaca P. (2021). Social-Environmental Conflicts in Chile: Is There Any Potential for an Ecological Constitution? Sustainability, 13(22):12701.

4. Collins L. The Ecological Constitution: Reframing Environmental Law; Routledge: London, 2021. 140 p.

5. Venter F., Kotz L. J. (2017). Chapter 10: The methodology of environmental constitutional comparison. In Research Methods in Environmental Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Pp. 237-264.

6. Потапчук Г (2022). Екологічний конституціоналізм: до питання про методологію визначення та дослідження. Scientific Collection «InterConf», (128), 137-143.

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